What are bridge page funnels?

What is a bridge page?

What is a landing page?

These are all important questions that you need to answer if you want to create an effective

bridge funnel.

In this article, we will provide you with all the information you need to know to create your funnel. We will also provide you with some examples of successful bridge pages so that you can see how they are done correctly.

Finally, we will show you where you can find bridge page templates and how you can create your bridge funnel.

Bridge Page Funnel

Why Do I Need A Bridge Page?

A bridge page is a key element in a successful conversion funnel. It helps to "bridge the gap" between the opt-in pages (where potential customers provide their contact information) and the following page, usually, the sales pages (where they make a purchase)

For example, if you are promoting an affiliate product, the bridge page can provide valuable information about the product and its benefits.

The process takes a new lead from a promise made on the opt-in page and does pre-framing (or pre-sell) to then make the transition to the product of service much smoother.

This can help to increase conversions by making it more likely that the visitor will take action on the following page. In addition, a well-designed bridge page can also improve the user experience by providing a smooth transition between pages.

The approach can help to keep prospects on your site longer and reduce bounce rates. Overall, a bridge page can be an important tool for improving conversions and generating leads.

What is a bridge page?

What is a bridge page?

A bridge page is a standalone web page that is designed to convert prospects into new leads. A bridge page typically sits at the top of a sales funnel and serves as a way to introduce leads to your brand or product.

Pages can also be used to segment your audience and direct them to different parts of your website. For example, you might create a bridge page for first-time prospects that includes an overview of your product, while existing customers might be directed to a bridge page with exclusive offers.

By leveraging these pages, you can improve conversion rates, generate new leads, and serve your customers more effectively.

It bridges the gap between the opt-in pages and the next landing page (most common the sales page in an affiliate funnel, see The Ultimate Guide To Affiliate Marketing Funnels)

As you don't have access to the affiliate funnel sales page or any of the other web pages in the funnel, you have to help the prospect through pre-sell, giving them the personal touch to promote the affiliate products in a way that makes sense to them, and makes them feel comfortable.

 Then when you send them to the next funnel (the affiliate funnel) there will be a big difference in their attitude, as they already know what to expect, as the sole purpose of the bridge page was to help them and allow them to connect the dots.

Types of bridge page

Types of Bridge Pages and Bridge Page Funnels

There are many different ways to "bridge the gap" with a bridge page. Here are some of the best ways - make sure you try them out - the bridge page practice with each will help you to fine-tune your online marketing efforts, and get better results when sending traffic:

Lead Magnet

A lead magnet, also known as an opt-in incentive, is a freebie that you offer to your website visitors in exchange for their email address or other contact information.

Lead magnets are effective because they provide an incentive for your target audience to give you their contact information, which allows you to build a relationship with them and promote your products or services.

There are many different types of lead magnets, but some of the most popular include ebooks, white papers, webinars, and free trials. When designing a lead magnet, it is important to keep your target audience in mind and create something that will be of value to them.

For example, if you are trying to attract new customers, your lead magnet should be something that will help them solve a problem or improve their business.

On the other hand, if you are trying to drive leads to your affiliate products, your lead magnet should be something that will interest your target audience and encourage them to click through to your affiliate links.

No matter what type of lead magnet you choose, always remembers to test and optimize it regularly to ensure that it is as effective as possible.

Lead Magnet Optin Flow

Image Source: Funnelytics Map

Video Pre-Sales

A video pre-sale page is a website designed to promote products through video content. The page is designed to drive prospects to the affiliate's product page and can be used to target a specific audience.

 Video pre-sale pages are effective because they provide an engaging description of the product, as well as a call to action. When designing a video pre-sale page, it is important to consider the following:

-Who is your target audience?

-What type of content will appeal to them?

-What are your goals for the page?

-How will you drive traffic to the page?

There are several ways to improve a video pre-sale page. First, consider the length of your videos. Shorter videos are more likely to be watched all the way through, so make sure your videos are concise and to the point. Second, focus on creating high-quality visuals that pique your viewer's interest.

Finally, be sure to include a strong call to action at the end of each video.

Blog Post

A blog post is a one-page piece of content that is part of a larger funnel. The purpose of a blog post is to drive traffic to the following page in the funnel, which could be a landing page, another post, or even a product page.

A post is effective because it allows you to provide great content that is relevant to your audience and that can lead them further down the funnel. When should you use a post?

A post can be used at any stage in the funnel, but it is most effective when used early on to introduce your audience to your brand and to start building trust. How can you make your blog better?

By ensuring that your post is well-written, informative, and relevant to your audience, you can make it more likely that your readers will follow through to the following page in the funnel.

Survey or Quiz

Creating a survey or quiz as part of your squeeze page can be an effective way to collect email addresses from potential leads. And capturing their interests to send relevant content to them in the future.

It works by presenting the visitor with a series of questions or a short quiz and then asking for their contact information to receive the results.

This approach can be especially effective if the questions are relevant to the product or service that you are selling. For example, if you are selling a new type of green energy appliance, you could create a quiz about energy efficiency.

Asking for contact information in exchange for the results helps to ensure that only those who are truly interested in the topic will take the time to complete the survey or quiz. In addition, it provides you with a valuable opportunity to follow up with leads who have already shown an interest in what you have to offer.

Customization Bridge Page

A customized landing page is effective when funneling leads from one campaign or source to another.

They help improve conversions by providing customized content based on the lead's information. By doing this, customized bridge pages provide a better user experience, which leads to higher conversions.

Customized bridge pages work by first collecting lead information. This can be done through a form or an email list signup. Once the information is collected, it is then used to customize the content on the page.

The customized content can be in the form of an offer, a video, or even just text. The goal is to provide value to the lead that is specific to their needs and interests.

When should you use a customized bridge page? Whenever you are funneling leads from one campaign or source to another.

For example, if you are running a Facebook ad campaign and want to send leads to a landing page, you would use a customized bridge page. Or if you have an email list of leads and want to send them to a sales page, you would use a customized bridge page.

To make your customized bridge pages even more effective, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure the information you collect is relevant to the customized content you plan on providing. Second, keep your customized bridge pages simple and free of distractions.

The goal is to get the lead to convert, not click away to something else. Finally, test different versions of your customized bridge page to see what works best. Try different offers, videos, and pieces of content and see what gets the best results.

What should I include on my bridge page?

What should I Include In My Bridge Page Funnels?

Quality Content - Informative and Helpful

In today's digital age, it is more important than ever to have quality content on your website. Not only do potential customers expect to find helpful and informative content, but search engines also take into account the quality of your content when ranking your site.

This is why it is essential to put time and effort into creating high-quality information for your bridge page.

Benefits of having quality information on your bridge page include:

- Increasing traffic to your site (Generate more leads to your sales funnels)

- improving your search engine ranking (Also generate more leads to your sales funnels)

- establishing yourself as an expert in your field

- generating leads and sales (improved conversion due to warming up, or pre-selling to the customer leading to more sales online)

When creating quality content, keep in mind the needs and wants of your target audience. Address their pain points and offer solutions that are relevant to them. In addition, make sure that your content is well-researched and free of errors.

Offer details - Benefits, solutions, options

If you're running a digital marketing campaign or have an online business, then you need to have an offer bridge page.

This is a page where you provide information about your product or service, and explain how it can benefit the customer. You'll also want to include details about the solution and options that are available so that the customer can make an informed decision.

Results and Testimonials - Real proof that that offer works

If you're thinking about adding a results screenshot or testimonial to your bridge page, you might be wondering what benefits they can offer.

First of all, results screenshots and testimonials can help to build trust with your audience. They provide social proof that your product or service is effective, and that other people have had success with it.

This can encourage people to stick around on your next web page, rather than clicking away to another site. In addition, results screenshots and testimonials can help to set your bridge page apart from other landing pages.

They can help you to create a unique and engaging experience for your prospects, which can improve your chances of converting them into customers.

What is a bridge page funnel?

A bridge funnel is a marketing strategy that involves creating a landing page to funnel cold traffic to a product.

The goal is to increase conversions by providing the customer with a seamless journey from the landing page to the affiliate offer. By doing this, the customer is more likely to make a purchase, and revenues will increase as a result.

  • The customer journey through a funnel typically goes something like this:
  • the customer arrives at the landing page, which contains information about the product;
  • if they are interested, they click through to the affiliate offer;
  • if they make a purchase, revenues will increase.

By offering a streamlined journey and valuable information at each stage, bridge page funnels can be an effective way to boost conversions and revenues.

Bridge Pages vs Landing Pages

What's the difference between bridge pages and landing pages?

Bridge pages, also known as doorway pages, are typically used by affiliate marketers to direct traffic from one site to another.

For example, an affiliate marketer might create a bridge page that promotes a particular product. When a user clicks on the affiliate link on the bridge page, they will be taken to the landing page for the product.

Landing pages are designed to convert leads into customers. They typically include a call-to-action, such as a form to fill out or a button to buy the product.

Because they are designed specifically for conversion, landing pages usually have higher conversions than other types of pages.

For this reason, affiliate marketers often use landing pages to increase the chances to generate leads and more sales.

How do I create a landing page for affiliate marketing?

If you're an affiliate or network marketer, then you know that having a high-converting landing page is essential to your success.

But how do you create a landing page that will stand out from the rest and make sure that your visitors take action?

One way to create a landing page that will convert is to use ClickFunnels (or any other of the top 5 funnel builder software).

ClickFunnels is a powerful tool that allows you to quickly create beautiful landing pages without needing any design or coding skills.

Plus, ClickFunnels makes it easy to A/B split test your landing pages so you can find the perfect design for your offer.

To make sure that your ClickFunnels landing page is highly converting, there are a few things you need to do:

1. Make sure your headline is clear and compelling. Your headline should explain what your offer is and why your visitor should care about it - and use some emotional power words.

2. Use images and videos to add visual interest to your page and help explain your offer.

3. Use engaging copy to persuade your visitors to take action. Be sure to emphasize the benefits of taking action and include a strong call to action.

4. Include social proof such as testimonials from other satisfied customers. This will help increase your visitor's confidence in your offer.

5. Make it easy for visitors to take action by including a prominently placed buy button or sign-up form.

Where can I see exmaple bridge pages?

Where Can I see Example Bridge Pages?

A bridge page is a sales page that is used to "bridge" the gap between an offer and a sales page. Bridge pages are typically used to promote an opt-in offer or a lead magnet.

Bridge pages are designed to convert traffic into leads, and they typically have higher conversions. There are many different ways to design a bridge page, and there is no one perfect way to do it.

There are some common elements that all successful bridge pages share. For example, most bridge pages have a strong headline that grabs attention and makes a promise. They also have a powerful call-to-action (CTA) that encourages visitors to take the desired action.

Successful bridge pages typically include an element of urgency or scarcity, to further motivate visitors to take action. Finally, most bridge pages also include social proof, in the form of testimonials or reviews, to show visitors that others have had success with the offer.

If you're looking for inspiration for your bridge page, there are many great examples out there. One way to find examples is to search for "bridge page examples" or "funnel hacking." Funnel hacking is the process of reverse engineering a sales funnel to find out what's working for other businesses in your industry.

Click to read What is funnel hacks: Hack like a pro.  Get help on swiping other bridge pages that are already working for successful marketers.

Where can I get bridge page templates?

Where Can I Get Bridge Page Templates?

If you're looking for high-converting affiliate page templates, ClickFunnels is a great option. They offer a wide range of templates for their landing page builder that is designed to generate leads and sales.

Plus, their templates are easy to customize and improve for your landing pages. So if you're looking for a way to improve your affiliate page's conversion rate, ClickFunnels is worth considering.

Additionally, if you're not sure which template to use, ClickFunnels also offers a split testing feature that allows you to test different templates against each other to see which of your landing pages performs better (the same goes for any other landing page, sales page or any other single page in your own sales funnel).

How can I create a bridge funnel?

How do I create a bridge funnel?

A bridge page is a single web page that is designed to capture a visitor's attention and encourage them to take a specific action, such as opting into a newsletter or providing contact information.

The first step in creating a bridge funnel is to select the "New Funnel" option from the ClickFunnels dashboard (get 30 days ClickFunnels 2.0 instead of 14 days). This will open up a list of pre-built funnel templates that can be used as a starting point for your funnel. From here, you will want to select the "Bridge Page Funnel" template.

Once the template has been selected, you will be taken to the page editor where you can begin customizing your funnel. The first element that will need to be added is an opt-in form, which can be done by dragging the "Opt-In Form" element from the left-hand sidebar onto the canvas.

Next, you will need to connect your opt-in form to an offer page. This can be done by selecting the "Connect A Page" button from the top menu and then selecting the "Offer Page" option.

If you are promoting affiliate products, you will also need to connect your offer page to an affiliate network. This can be done by selecting the "Connect An Account" button from the top menu and then selecting the "Affiliate Network" option.

Finally, you will need to add a next page element, which can be done by dragging the "Next Page" element from the left-hand sidebar onto the canvas. This following page can be used to thank visitors for opting into your newsletter or provide them with additional information about your product or service.

Once your funnel is complete, you can test it by clicking on the "Preview Funnel" button from the top menu. If everything is working properly, you should see a confirmation message indicating that your funnel is ready to go live.


A bridge funnel is a landing page strategy that uses multiple pages to move website visitors through the buying process.

Bridge pages are used to warm up potential customers, and then they are directed to a landing page where they can learn more about your product or service and make a purchase.

Landing pages for affiliate marketing should include all of the information needed for visitors to make an informed decision about whether or not to buy.

You can see some great examples of bridge pages here, and you can get started creating your funnel today by clicking here (get a bunch of free stuff too!).

Thanks for reading!

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