We look at 27+ of the Best SaaS affiliate programs that you can join today, and it's a great way to make money with little effort.

In this blog post, we will discuss 27 of the best SaaS affiliate programs available today.

Best SaaS Affiliate Programs You Can Join Today

The best affiliate programs are often ones that involve monthly payments and are just as applicable to small businesses as they are to large ones. SaaS software programs are often sold for a monthly fee, and so are often better than many other affiliate programs, that might not have the same level of demand as SaaS.

If the SaaS software makes up the sales process of the online business in question, then promoting its advanced features is likely to result in a long relationship, and many monthly payments.

We'll also give you some tips on how to find the best affiliate program for you, and how to make the most money possible!

Why affiliate marketing?

Why Affiliate Marketing?

There are a few reasons why affiliate marketing is a great opportunity. First, it's a great way to make money without having to put in a lot of effort (compared to creating a product). You can promote products and services that you're already using and love, and you can do it from the comfort of your own home.

If you are new to affiliate marketing, read Affiliate Marketing for Beginners.

If you are new to sales funnels, read The Ultimate Guide To Affiliate Marketing Funnels.

Additionally, there are many different ways to promote products as an affiliate, so you can find a method that works best for you. Finally, affiliate marketing works in a way that can be a great way to build up your passive income.

Your marketing efforts could be something as simple as explaining how you found a particular product or service useful, the results that you got, and how others could do the same.

The affiliate program will most likely include marketing materials such as videos to help you understand the details of how affiliate partners can promote the product, and most SaaS companies offer free trial sign-ups which can get prospects interested enough to move to a paid plan.

These marketing materials will often describe the product or service from an affiliate perspective, in an attempt to help you to do a better job of promoting, and get your prospects to the online marketplace, to that there is a greater chance of them signing up for a paid plan.

Note that an affiliate program will usually only pay out commissions when a customer signs up for a paid plan.

When you start and are not known affiliate partners, particularly with Saas companies, it is also good to find the best affiliate programs that you already know of, but that are equally applicable to small businesses and larger ones for the wider range of price points to promote to.

What should I look for in an affiliate marketing program?

What should I look for in an affiliate marketing program?

When you're looking for an affiliate marketing program, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you'll want to make sure that the program offers products or services that you're interested in promoting. Additionally, you'll want to look for programs with high commission rates, as this will allow you to make more money. Finally, you'll want to look for programs that offer great support and resources, as this will make it easier for you to be successful.

Company Values

When you're looking for an affiliate marketing program, it's important to consider the company values. After all, you'll be representing the company, and you want to make sure that its values align with your own.

Commission Structure

The commission structure is an important factor to consider when choosing an affiliate marketing program. After all, you'll be working hard to promote the products or services, and you want to make sure that you're being compensated fairly. Some programs offer a flat rate commission, while others offer a tiered commission structure. Additionally, some programs offer a residual commission, which can be extremely valuable if you're able to generate long-term sales.

Products and Services

When you're looking for an affiliate marketing program, it's important to consider the products and services that are being offered. After all, you'll be promoting these products, so you want to make sure that they're something that you believe in.

Additionally, it's important to consider the quality of the products or services. You don't want to promote something that is low quality, as this will reflect poorly on you and your business.


You'll want to consider the reputation of the company. After all, you're going to be representing them, and you want to make sure that they have a good reputation. You can learn about a company's reputation by reading online reviews, talking to other affiliates, or even contacting the company directly.

Recurring commissions

Another great thing about SaaS affiliate programs is that they often offer recurring commissions. This means that you'll receive a commission not only for the initial sale but for any subsequent purchases made by the customer. This can be a great way to build up your earnings over time.

High commission rates

As we mentioned before, one of the things you'll want to look for in an affiliate program is a high commission rate. SaaS affiliate programs often offer commission rates of 30% or more, so they can be a great way to earn some extra money.

Long cookie life span

One of the best things about SaaS affiliate programs is that they often have long cookie life spans. This means that if a visitor clicks on your affiliate link and doesn't make a purchase right away, you'll still receive a commission for the sale if they purchase within a certain amount of time. This can be up to 90 days in some cases.

Vendor Transparency

When you're promoting a product or service, it's important to know that the vendor is transparent. This means that they should be open and honest about their business practices, terms, and conditions.

Good brand recognition

It's also important to look for programs with good brand recognition. This means that the products or services you're promoting are well-known and trusted by consumers. This can make it easier to sell the products, and it can also help you earn more commission.

Resources and support

Finally, you'll want to look for affiliate programs that offer great resources and support. This can include things like training materials, helpful customer service, and a robust network for affiliates. These resources can help you be successful in your affiliate marketing endeavors.

Conversion Rates and Churn Rates

When evaluating a SaaS affiliate program, you'll want to look at the conversion rates and churn rates. The conversion rate is the percentage of people who sign up for a free trial that eventually become paying customers. The churn rate is the percentage of people who cancel their subscriptions within a certain period, usually within the first month.


EPC stands for "earnings per click." This is the average amount of money you can expect to earn each time someone clicks on one of your affiliate links. The higher the EPC, the more money you can expect to earn.

What are clawbacks in Affiliate Marketing?

When promoting SaaS products, it's important to be aware of clawbacks. Clawbacks can reduce your earnings if a customer cancels their subscription or requests a refund within the affiliate's refund period. You should also be sure to read the affiliate program's terms and conditions carefully to make sure you understand their policy on clawbacks.

What are affiliate networks?

The network acts as a middleman between the affiliate and the merchant. The network is responsible for tracking sales, managing payments, and providing support to affiliates.

SaaS companies can create an affiliate program themselves or might make use of affiliate networks, to track affiliate partners as part of affiliate tracking software.

Affiliate Program - What to do as affiliate partners

The network platform will then allow for digital marketing of the marketing assets, and affiliate marketing work such as email marketing (emailing a list of subscribers) or blog posts of similar, as part of the affiliate's online business to attract customers to one of the pricing packages that make up the paid plan for the SaaS offering.

What are the top affiliate networks?

There are many affiliate networks to choose from, but some of the most popular include:

  • Clickbank
  • CJ Affiliate (CJ Affiliate used to be called commission junction)
  • and ShareASale.

What Is An Affiliate Link?

An affiliate link is a special type of URL that allows affiliates to track the traffic they send to a merchant's website. Affiliate links are typically in the format of "yourwebsite.com/affiliateID." When a customer clicks on an affiliate link, their activity is tracked by the affiliate network. If the customer makes a purchase, the affiliate network will credit the affiliate with a commission

How Do Affiliates Earn Using This Link?

Affiliates earn money by directing traffic through an affiliate link, to a merchant's website and then receiving a commission when a sale is made.

You, as an affiliate can go into your affiliate dashboard and see your affiliate data, which should show the amount of paying customer sign-ups for your affiliate link, and also the commissions that you are due.

What is an affiliate manager?

An affiliate manager is a person who manages an affiliate program for a merchant. The affiliate manager is responsible for recruiting affiliates, providing them with training and support, and monitoring their activity to ensure that they are promoting the merchant's products by the terms of the affiliate agreement.

What is SaaS?

SaaS stands for software as a service, and it refers to software programs that are hosted on the internet. These applications are usually subscription-based, and they can be used by businesses or individuals.

SaaS applications are typically much easier to use than traditional software, and they're often more affordable as well.

You pay to use the software but are not concerned with updates or maintenance, in a similar way to if you installed the software on your machine, and someone else made sure that it had the latest updates, ran fast, and was secure.

What Are The Benefits of SaaS?

What Are The Benefits of SaaS?

There are many benefits to using SaaS applications. First, they're very convenient. You can access them from anywhere in the world, and you don't have to install anything on your computer. Additionally, they're usually much cheaper than traditional software, and they often offer a free trial period.

Finally, SaaS applications are online only.

The alternative to SaaS would be that you buy software to do the same, and either install it on your computer or install it on a cloud server (I'm going to ignore other options as you'd not likely want to do these).

On your computer, you already own the machine (or are leasing it) but you need to make sure that it's working, and has the space and processing power to work well.

If you create a cloud server (a virtual machine) you will need to pay for the time that you use that machine. You will also need to set it up and monitor it to make sure that it is working correctly. You may also need to update the software to make sure that it's secure.

Both of the above scenarios need to you be concerned with either the hardware (the computer), and/or the software (e.g. Windows, Linux, Mac, or the software you need to run)

SaaS instead has systems set up to do all that for you, with people supporting those systems. You just use the software and pay for that service only.

The benefits are not needing to get into the technical side of things, and not using up time doing so. It also means that if you need SaaS to run your business, if it were not SaaS, you'd be wasting time on things that do not make your business work better.

You also avoid big upfront charges, for example, to buy a computer, add licenses, set up machines, and so on.

It's all ready to go.

And an important one - if it has a large demand (such as visitors to your website) SaaS should handle that, as it is cloud-based and capable of doing so (as well as scaling back when not needed - unlike the computer under your desk)

What is Saas?

What is an example of a SaaS?

An example of a SaaS product is Salesforce. Salesforce is a customer relationship management (CRM) application that helps businesses track and manage their sales data. It's a subscription-based service, and it's used by millions of businesses around the world.

What are the benefits of promoting SaaS products?

There are many benefits to promoting SaaS products. First, you can earn high commission rates on sales. Additionally, you can often earn recurring commissions on subscriptions. Finally, SaaS products are generally well-known and trusted by consumers, which can make it easier to sell them.

Why should I become a SaaS affiliate marketer?

The affiliate marketing industry is growing at a rapid pace. This is due in part to the fact that more and more companies are beginning to see the value in affiliate marketing, and are willing to pay commissions to those who promote their products. Additionally, affiliate marketing provides an opportunity for people to make money by promoting products that they already use and love.

SaaS affiliate marketing is very easy to do, especially if you already use the software in question. Platforms such as email auto-responders, management of social media platforms, funnel builders, website builders, and affiliate program software for managing affiliate partners are all things that you may use regularly in your business already, so talking about how you use them, should be a nice and easy way to get started.

What is trial pricing?

Trial pricing is a type of pricing offered by some SaaS products. With trial pricing, businesses can use the product for a set period, usually 14 days, at no cost. This allows businesses to try out the product before they commit to a subscription.

What is a SaaS affiliate?

A SaaS affiliate is an individual or company that promotes SaaS products in exchange for a commission. Affiliates can earn commissions on sales, and in some cases, they can also earn recurring commissions on subscriptions. To be successful as a SaaS affiliate, you should have a good understanding of the products you're promoting and the technical considerations involved in promoting them. You should also be able to provide value to your audience and build trust with them.

Why should I join a SaaS affiliate program?

Joining a SaaS affiliate program can be a great way to earn money. SaaS products tend to have high commission rates, and in some cases, you can also earn recurring commissions on subscriptions.

Additionally, SaaS products are generally well-known and trusted by consumers, which can make it easier to sell them.

How Do I Promote My SaaS Affiliate Program?

When promoting SaaS products, it's important to keep a few things in mind. First, you'll want to make sure that the products you're promoting are compatible with the devices your audience is using. Additionally, you should test the products yourself to ensure that they're high quality and easy to use (if possible you can use trials).

It can also be helpful to create blog posts or videos that show your audience how to use the products you're promoting. Finally, be sure to provide value to your audience and build trust with them.

SaaS affiliate program keyword research

To do this, find keywords that are easy to rank for, related to the affiliate program, and include the product that you are promoting. You need to make sure what you're allowed to do as an affiliate (each product differs) You might not be allowed to pay for traffic with the brand or product name as a keyword, but can certainly create content to help your readers.

Keyword Research I(It's for Amazon, but will work for your affiliate program too)

27 of the best SaaS affiliate programs to join today

A great SaaS affiliate program offers high commission rates, and long cookie life spans, and often provides recurring commissions. The top SaaS affiliate programs may supply a dedicated affiliate manager so that you can ask SaaS affiliate marketing-based questions.

Additionally, they tend to have good brand recognition and offer helpful resources and support. These should be supplied to you as part of the best SaaS affiliate program in the form of marketing assets. Successful SaaS affiliate programs may offer tiered pricing for your potential customers that may then pay affiliates a monthly payment based on when the new customer signs up for a monthly subscription.

A SaaS affiliate program can be a great way to earn money online as part of your digital marketing efforts. Look for affiliate program offers with high commission rates, long cookie life spans, and recurring commissions. Good brand recognition and helpful resources and support are also important as they are more likely to naturally get the attention of potential customers and move them to a paid plan.


Powered by AWeber
AWeber SaaS Affiliate Splash


AWeber is one of the most popular email marketing platforms in the world. It offers a wide range of features, including automated marketing, landing pages, and A/B testing. AWeber also has a large library of templates to choose from.


Trail / FREE: FREE

Service Cost: Pro is $16.15 for 500 subs to $146.15 for 25K subs per month

Commission: 30% ($4.85 to $43.85 per month)

Cookie Duration: 365 Days

URL: AWeber (FREE Account Available)

AFFILIATE URL: AWeber Affiliate


getresponse logotype rgb med
RetResponse Email Marketing


GetResponse is another popular email marketing platform. It offers many of the same features as AWeber, including automated email marketing, landing pages, and A/B testing. Additionally, GetResponse has a built-in CRM, which allows you to manage your contacts and customers in one place.


Trial / FREE: FREE

Service Cost: $15.58 (1000 subs) to $577.18 (100K subs) per month

Commission: 33%

Cookie Duration: 120 Days

URL: GetResponse Account (FREE Account Available)

AFFILIATE URL: GetResponse Affiliates


ConvertKit Logo
ConvertKit screenshot


ConvertKit is a powerful email marketing tool that allows you to create and send newsletters, automated emails, and other content to your subscribers. It's one of the best SaaS affiliate program available because it offers high commissions and a wide range of tools and resources to help you succeed. Additionally, ConvertKit is easy to use and beginner-friendly, making it a great choice for those new to affiliate marketing.


Trial / FREE: FREE

Service Cost: $9 (300 subs) to $2,166 (400K subs) per month

Commission: 30% for the first 24 months of each subscription

Cookie Duration: 30 Days

URL: ConvertKit

AFFILIATE URL: Convertkit Affiliate


Drip Logo
drip data screen


Drip is a powerful email marketing automation  eCommerce tool that allows businesses to create effective email marketing campaigns that convert leads into customers. As an affiliate, you can promote Drip and earn commissions on sales generated through your referrals.

The Drip affiliate program is a great way to promote a top-of-the-line email marketing tool and earn commissions on sales generated through your referrals. The program offers generous commissions, recurring monthly payments, and a wide range of promotional materials. If you're looking to promote a top-notch email marketing tool, the Drip affiliate program is a great option.


Trial / FREE: FREE

Service Cost: $9 (300 subs) to $2,166 (400K subs) per month

Commission: 15% - 25%

Cookie Duration: 90 Days

URL: Drip (FREE account available)

AFFILIATE URL: Drip Affiliate


activecampaign logo e1665995861614
ActiveCampaign Affiliate


ActiveCampaign is a Chicago-based SaaS company that offers an all-in-one marketing automation platform. The company was founded in 2003 and has since grown to become one of the leading providers of marketing automation software.

As an affiliate, you can earn commissions on sales generated through your referrals. Commissions are paid out every month and range from $50 to $1,000 per sale, depending on the product. In addition to commissions, ActiveCampaign also offers a two-tier referral program that pays out 5% of referred sales generated by affiliates below you in the affiliate hierarchy.


Trial / FREE: FREE

Service Cost: $40 (1K subs) to $768 (100K subs) per month

Commission: 20%+

Cookie Duration: 90 Days

URL: ActiveCampaign (FREE trial account available)

AFFILIATE URL: ActiveCampaign Affiliate


Moosend Sitecore Logo
Moosend Splash


Moosend is a great saas affiliate program to join today.

They offer fantastic tools to help businesses automate their email platform, and the affiliate program offers good commissions.

The best part about Moosend is that they provide superb customer support, so you can be sure that you'll always be able to get help when you need it.


Trial / FREE: FREE

Service Cost: $9 (500 subs) to $5,840 (1M subs) per month

Commission: 30% to 40%

Cookie Duration: 90 Days

URL: Moosend (FREE 30 day trial account available)

AFFILIATE URL: Moosend Affiliate

Constant Contact

constant contact logo
constant contact splash


Constant Contact is a great email tool that offers an affiliate program. As an affiliate, you can earn commissions on sales that you generate.

The program is easy to join and there are a variety of ways to promote it. You can get started by signing up for the program and then creating a custom link to use in your marketing materials.

You can also use the tools provided by Constant Contact to create banner ads and other promotional materials.


Trial / FREE: FREE TRIAL 1 month

Service Cost: $9.99 (500 subs) to $410 (50K subs) per month

Commission: $5 per lead, $105 per signup

Cookie Duration: 120 Days

URL: Constant Contact (FREE 30 day trial account available)

AFFILIATE URL: Constant Contact Affiliate


omnisend logo
Omnisend Splash


Omnisend is a powerful email marketing platform that allows businesses to create, send, and track emails effortlessly. It also includes the ability to send SMS and perform automation to increase engagement. As an affiliate, you can promote Omnisend and earn commissions on sales generated through your referrals.

Omnisend offers affiliates a generous commission rate of 30%, and there are no minimum requirements for sales or earnings. In addition, affiliates receive exclusive discounts on all Omnisend plans, so it's a great opportunity to promote a high-quality product and earn commissions at the same time.


Trial / FREE: FREE TRIAL 1 month

Service Cost: $9.99 (500 subs) to $410 (50K subs) per month

Commission: $5 per lead, $105 per signup

Cookie Duration: 120 Days

URL: Omnisend (FREE 30 day trial account available)

AFFILIATE URL: Omnisend Affiliate


hubspot logo
Hubspot splash


HubSpot is one of the most popular SaaS affiliate programs on the market today. As a HubSpot affiliate, you can earn commissions on sales of their software products. In addition to their popular software products, HubSpot also offers a wide variety of marketing resources and support to help you succeed as an affiliate.

One of the reasons why HubSpot is so popular among affiliates is because of their high commission rates. For example, you can earn a 40% commission on sales of their flagship product, HubSpot Sales.


Trial / FREE: FREE

Service Cost: $68 (1K subs) to $15,150 (1M subs) per month

Commission: Up to 1 year of 20%

Cookie Duration: 90 Days

URL: Hubspot (FREE account available)

AFFILIATE URL: Hubspot affiliate


zoho logo
Zoho splash


Zoho is a leading provider of cloud-based software and services. In addition to its popular CRM and office productivity software, the company also offers a wide range of affiliate programs for its SaaS products.

As an affiliate, you can earn commissions on qualifying sales by promoting Zoho's products on your website or blog. You'll also have access to a range of marketing materials and support tools to help you sell more effectively.

If you're looking for a reliable and high-performing affiliate program for your SaaS business, Zoho is a great option. With its generous commission rates and wide range of products, it's one of the top programs in the industry.


Trial / FREE: FREE

Service Cost: $49 (500 subs) to $249 (5K subs) per month

Commission: 15%

Cookie Duration: 90 Days

URL: Zoho (FREE account available)

AFFILIATE URL: Zoho affiliate


leadpages logo
Leadpages splash


LeadPages is one of the best Saas affiliate programs to join today.

Their software makes it easy to create landing pages and forms, making it a perfect tool for businesses of all sizes.


Trial / FREE: FREE TRIAL 14 days

Service Cost: $37 to $74 per month

Commission:up to 50%

Cookie Duration: 90 Days

URL: Leadpages (FREE 14 Days Trial account available)

AFFILIATE URL: Leadpages affiliate


SEMRush logo
SEMRush splash


SEMRush is a SaaS-based company that provides digital marketing tools for SEO, social media, and pay-per-click advertising. 

This is a very extensive toolset for SEO and SEM, and includes backlink outreach and more analyses than you can imagine.


Trial / FREE: FREE

Service Cost: $119 to $449 per month

Commission: $200

Cookie Duration: 120 Days

URL: SEMRush (FREE account available)

AFFILIATE URL: SEMRush affiliate


Prowly logo
Prowly splash


Prowly is a public relations and content marketing platform that helps you manage your media outreach, create better content, and measure your results.


Trial / FREE: FREE 7 day Trial

Service Cost: $189 to $538 per month

Commission: $200

Cookie Duration: 365 Days

URL: Prowly (FREE TRIAL account available)

AFFILIATE URL: Prowly affiliate


Prowly logo
coupler splash


Coupler.io is a leading SaaS company that provides data integration solutions for businesses of all sizes. The company offers a wide range of products, including data connectors, ETL tools, data quality management tools, and more which allow you to connect data from different places and use it for analysis. In English this means that users of the software can connect data from multiple pieces of software, and use it to make better decisions, and drive improvement.


Trial / FREE: FREE 14 day Trial

Service Cost: $24 to $249 per month

Commission: 50%

Cookie Duration: 30 Days

URL: Coupler.io (FREE TRIAL account available)

AFFILIATE URL: Coupler.io affiliate


Automate.io logo
Tribe splash


Tribe is a SaaS company that provides social media management software to help businesses grow their online presence.


Trial / FREE: FREE

Service Cost: $599 per month

Commission: 15% - 25%

Cookie Duration: 60 Days

URL: Tribe (FREE account available)

AFFILIATE URL: Tribe affiliate

Adobe Creative Cloud

Automate.io logo
Adobe Creative Cloud Splash


Adobe Creative Cloud is a SaaS offering from Adobe Inc.

It gives users access to a collection of software developed by Adobe for graphic design, video editing, web development, photography, and cloud services.


Trial / FREE: FREE 7 day Trial

Service Cost: $79.99 per month

Commission: up to 85%

Cookie Duration: 30 Days

URL: Adobe Creative Cloud (FREE Trial account available)

AFFILIATE URL: Adobe Creative Cloud Affiliate


BigCommerce logo
BigCommerce splash


BigCommerce is one of the most popular SaaS companies out there, and for good reason. They offer a comprehensive eCommerce platform that allows businesses of all sizes to create and manage their online stores.

And, their affiliate program is top-notch, offering generous commissions and plenty of promotional materials. If you're looking to promote a SaaS company that is sure to convert, BigCommerce is a great option.

BigCommerce may also provide you with a dedicated account manager who will understand your business, and whom you can ask questions.


Trial / FREE: FREE 15 day Trial

Service Cost: $29.95 to $299.95 per month

Commission: 30%

Cookie Duration: 90 Days

URL: BigCommerce (FREE Trial account available)

AFFILIATE URL: BigCommerce affiliate


BigCommerce logo
Airmeet splash


What is Airmeet?

Airmeet is a SaaS business that provides a platform for virtual events and conferences.


Trial / FREE: FREE

Service Cost: $500 to $5,000 per month

Commission: 30%

Cookie Duration: 60 Days

URL: Aitmeet (FREE Trial account available)

AFFILIATE URL: Airmeet affiliate


ClickFunnels Logo
About ClickFunnels


ClickFunnels is a SaaS that allows businesses to create landing pages, sales funnels, and marketing campaigns.

Click if you want to get a 30 day trial of ClickFunnels.

Click if you want to find out How to make money as a ClickFunnels affiliate.

This is a solid opportunity and includes many other products, and training (see the links above for more)


Trial / FREE: FREE 14 day TRIAL (See link above for 30 days)

Service Cost: $80 to $297 per month

Commission: 20% to 40%

Cookie Duration: 30 Days

URL: ClickFunnels (FREE Trial account available - Trial details here)

AFFILIATE URL: ClickFunnels affiliate


Canva logo
Canva splash


Canva is a user-friendly graphic design tool that makes it easy to create beautiful designs. With over one million templates, illustrations, and photos, you can create any kind of design you need.

Plus, their drag-and-drop interface makes creating designs a breeze. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, you’ll be able to create stunning designs with Canva.


Trial / FREE: FREE

Service Cost: $164.99 to $209.90 per year

Commission: up to $36 per subscriber sign-up to Pro account

Cookie Duration: 30 Days

URL: Canva (FREE Trial account available)

AFFILIATE URL: Canva affiliate

WP Engine

WP Engine logo
WP Engine splash


WP Engine is a WordPress hosting company that provides managed WordPress hosting to enterprise customers.


Trial / FREE: N/A

Service Cost: $164.99 to $209.90 per year

Commission: see affiliate link below

Cookie Duration: 180 Days

URL: WP Engine

AFFILIATE URL: WP Engine affiliate


WP Engine logo
Socialbee splash


As a social media management tool, Socialbee helps you save time by scheduling and publishing content, as well as analyzing your social media performance by connecting with social media platforms.

But did you know that you could also join SocialBee's affiliate program and earn on a product that you can use to promote it?


Trial / FREE: FREE 14 day Trial

Service Cost: $19 to $79 per month

Commission: 10%

Cookie Duration: 90 Days

URL: SocialBee (FREE Trial account available)

AFFILIATE URL: SocialBee affiliate


WP Engine logo
Teachable splash


Teachable is an online course platform that makes it easy for anyone to create and sell their courses.

With Teachable, you can start making money from your knowledge and expertise without having to invest in any expensive equipment or software.


Trial / FREE: FREE

Service Cost: $29 to $249 per month

Commission: 30%

Cookie Duration: 90 Days

URL: Teachable (FREE account available)

AFFILIATE URL: Teachable affiliate


Systeme Marketing Platform
Systeme splash


Systeme is a software-as-a-service company that provides online tools for businesses of all sizes.

 It provides an all-in-one marketing platform.


Trial / FREE: FREE

Service Cost: $27 to $99 per month

Commission: 40%

Cookie Duration: 1 year

URL: Systeme (FREE account available)

AFFILIATE URL: Systeme affiliate


Shopify logo
Shopify splash


Shopify is a platform for businesses of all sizes to create an online store. It offers users a customizable platform, an easy-to-use checkout process, and a wide range of features.

Shopify is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms and has helped countless businesses build their online presence. If you're looking to start your


Trial / FREE: FREE 14 day trial

Service Cost: $29 to $299 per month

Commission: $150

Cookie Duration: 30 days

URL: Shopify (FREE Trial account available)

AFFILIATE URL: Shopify affiliate

To sum it up, SaaS affiliate programs can be a great way to earn money online.

Look for programs with high commission rates, long cookie life spans, and recurring commissions.

Good brand recognition and helpful resources and support are also important.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become an affiliate with SaaS?

There are a few different ways to become an affiliate with SaaS. The first is to find platforms that offer affiliate marketing programs. These platforms will usually have a list of companies that you can choose from to promote.

Another way to become an affiliate with SaaS is to directly contact the company whose product you want to promote. Many times, companies will have an affiliate program that you can sign up for on their website.

The last way to become an affiliate with SaaS is to work with an affiliate marketing agency. These agencies specialize in connecting businesses with affiliates who can promote their products.

What are the 3 main types of affiliates?

The three main types of affiliates are independent affiliate marketers, involved affiliate marketers, and related affiliate marketers.

Independent Marketers

Independent affiliate marketers are individuals who promote a company’s products or services in exchange for a commission. They are not employed by the company and are not part of the sales team.

Involved Marketers

Involved affiliates are individuals who are employed by the company whose products they promote. They are typically part of the sales team and receive a commission for every sale they make.

Related Marketers

Related affiliates are businesses or organizations that have a relationship with the company whose products they promote. For example, a related affiliate could be a business that sells complementary products to the company’s target market.

How do these types affect the SaaS affiliate marketing program I choose?

The type of affiliate you are will affect the SaaS affiliate marketing program you choose in a few different ways. First, the commission structure will be different. Independent affiliates typically receive a lower commission rate than involved or related affiliates.

Second, the type of product you promote will be different. Independent affiliates are more likely to promote a wider range of products than involved or related affiliates.

Finally, the level of support and resources you receive from the company will be different. Involved and related affiliates typically receive more support from the company than independent marketers.

If you already have a niche that you work in, then you may need to search to find out if there are successful SaaS affiliate marketing programs within that niche. You would probably start as an independent affiliate marketer, then if you find that you're doing well, you might approach the companies in question to suggest becoming one of the other types of affiliates, based on the results that you are getting.

SaaS affiliate marketing regardless of the type of marketer you are should allow for synergy or a relationship between what you normally market, and the affiliate program that you choose. It is much harder to become successful affiliate partners in an affiliate program that you know nothing about, and have no contacts for.

What is an example of SaaS?

SaaS is a software program that allows users to access and use the software from a central location.

SaaS programs are typically subscription-based, with users paying a monthly or annual fee to use the software.

  • Salesforce
  • HubSpot
  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • Dropbox
  • Google Workspaces

are all examples of SaaS products.

If you use any of these products, and the company takes affiliate partners, then it might be worthwhile to sign up for their affiliate program and promote them based on your experiences.

Does Apple have an affiliate marketing program?

The program allows website owners and bloggers to earn a commission on qualifying Apple products purchased through links on their sites.

For more information, you can visit Apple's website. If you're interested in joining, you can sign up here.

What is a free trial?

A free trial usually involves the customer being given access to the product or service for a set period, during which they can use it for free.

After the free trial period ends, the customer will be charged if they choose to continue using the product.

What happens usually when the trial period runs out?

When the free trial period ends, the customer will be charged if they choose to continue using the product. The charge will usually be for the full price of the product or service. Some free trials may require a credit card to sign up, in which case the customer will be automatically charged when the free trial period ends if they do not cancel the service.

Once the customer moves from the free trial to the paid subscription that is usually when referral partners and affiliates earn their revenue (from new customers, particularly when they become paying customers). The revenue can be for the new subscription sale and a single amount, or it can be recurring revenue based, depending upon the SaaS partnership terms and conditions for reseller partners.

What is the highest-paying affiliate program?

This is difficult to answer because there are so many affiliate programs and each has its commission structure. Some affiliate programs may have higher payouts for specific actions, such as sales or sign-ups, while others may have a lower overall commission rate but higher payouts for certain products. It depends on the affiliate program in question.

There is an almost unlimited number of niches that you could work in and be a SaaS affiliate marketer, make affiliate sales, and then get paid.

Here are a few that you could start with:



WP Engine

Liquid Web

What is the easiest SaaS affiliate program to promote and make money with?

This is a tough call, if you're in a business, we think that ClickFunnels is a pretty good place to start. If you want to get free training, they have it. If you want lots of products to promote, they have those as well. If you want a company with a good reputation, they do. If you want to earn reasonable commissions, you can. If you want to promote something that you know about, you'll need a sales funnel as a business owner, so ClickFunnels is good for that too.

ClickFunnels is a great place to start for SaaS partnerships, as it is really good software, with great training both for the software itself and for the affiliate.

You don't get a dedicated partner coach, but there is so much webinar and video training it's almost as good.

If you want to sign up and get a 30-day ClickFunnels trial instead of the usual 14, so you know what ClickFunnels is all about, click here (there are also a few nice freebies available if you do).

If you want to sign up for their affiliate program, you can do so from within your account, or you can go here.

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